Pacelli school for the blind and partially sighted is an initiative of the then Catholic Archbishop of Lagos, Leo Hale Taylor. It was officially opened on June 16, 1962, following a permission granted on April 26 of same year by the Nigerian Government for the establishment of a special school for the education of the visually impaired.
The school is a non-governmental and non-fee-paying institution, for all visually impaired persons. This policy has been maintained from its inception till date. As mentioned earlier, funding of the pupils' education, maintenance of facilities, as well as the welfare of the students is the responsibility of the Catholic Church, its proprietor, with occasional assistance from individuals, religious groups, and corporate organizations.
With our relationship with Pacelli, we want to enable freedom and inclusion, 2 important values we are passionate about. We want to help shine the light on Pacelli and drive that needed inclusion for the visually impaired.
Using technology and data, our financial and lifestyle expertise, we want to build a Sparkle that is accessible by the visually impaired. This is more than just CSR, we want to enable freedom for the visually impaired. Using technology, we would create that ability in disability. Hear more from our Chief Sparkler.