A fantastic way to save money and hit your goals, on your own terms. You can save money as you like, set a percentage of your spending to be saved for you, or save with interest. Your money, your rules!
Create a new Stash and give it a fun name. Add a category and an image, making it unique to you and start saving!
You can save frequently (daily, weekly, or monthly) or anyhow you like. You can also make it more interesting by setting a percentage of your spending to be added to your Stash.
When you save at least ₦ 100,000 in your Sash, you’ll earn 4.2% per annum interest rate on your savings. You get to make 2 withdrawals from your Interest Stash after which you’ll lose your interest.
By stashing frequently and in larger amounts, you'll unlock higher interest rates on your savings.
You can save for different goals in separate Stashes making sure your ‘Rent’ savings don’t get mixed up with your ‘School Fees’ money.
Your Stash savings are all neatly organized and always separate from your main account balance.
Girls’ trip, Wedding Stash or Mom’s birthday? Soon you’ll able to save with your Tribe and make it happen! With the Esusu feature, you can save and hit your money goals with a group of people in the Tribe.
Coming soon!